Tuesday, June 16, 2009

daddy the dentist

If you have a wiggly tooth, seriously stay away from Layne (especially if he has pliers!)

Kyler on the other hand was thrilled, as losing teeth is about his only source of income.
I've forced the boys to do summer swim team this year.  Today they had their first meet and I really had to beg, bribe, and threaten them to do their events.  (It should'nt be this hard to have fun!)  They finally gave in and did great!  I'm such a mean mom I know!!! 
Kyler coming in strong from his freestyle!
If nothing else, they're cute!


Lorilee said...

That's awesome that they let layne pull out their teeth. Ashlee got a loose baby tooth knocked out yesterday when she got hit in the face at sports camp.
What fun swimmers too. I force my kiddos into swim lessons so I can live vicariously through them.

dana liston said...

They do look cute! I hope the tooth fairy brought Kyler a lot of money.

How Sweet it is! said...

Love the goggles, Watch out Michael Phelps!