Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Hero!

I really don't know how I could be any prouder! It has been an HONOR, and privilege to have my dad be a fire captain and safety officer and paramedic! I've always felt so safe! Thanks for taking care of us and thanks for the being such a great person! I must be awesome to have gotten him as my dad!!!

Happy Sailing!


James Yvonne and Elise said...

I read that he had retired yesterday. What a wonderful accomplishment. I remember your Dad coming to talk to us when we were in Elementary School, how cool to have a firefighter dad!

Lorilee said...

YAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Lamar. You are awesome.

dana liston said...

what a great dad! now on to his next adventure and I am sure it will be full of excitement.

How Sweet it is! said...

What an awesome family picture. I think you need to frame it! What a great dad you have!

jenneday said...

You are one lucky girl! What an awesome family! So glad I get to know you all!