Thursday, September 25, 2008

Good-Bye Pacman

Unless I can learn how to get the pictures off my camera to the computer, and then how to easily download multiple pictures (I think my little apple computer needs to have some tricks), I may be seeing my last blogging days.  It was well lived while it lasted right!  Just kidding, I can't give up that easily.  It's just frustrating and Layno is so danged busy (does he really need to sleep).  Anyway, I have lots of ideas to share but I'm going to wait for the picture lesson; hopefully next week.   
Besides everything else crazy in my life, I 've been tearing apart my storage room looking for my old Pacman watch that I got from Santa when I was about 9 years old.  I think it may have gone the ways of the world but my brother Jason tells me if I just say a little prayer I'll be able to find it.  He is actually the one who really wants it.  He thinks it would be so cool in the back row of elders quorum to start playing pacman.  It was really awesome and now on e-bay there like $200.  Oh, how I'd love to find it for him!  It's affecting my sleep now.  But I think I have to tell him it's nowhere.  Of course he has saved everything cool that he's ever had and somehow knows that in the future he'll need these classic items, but I throw things away.  I feel like I'm in grade school again trying to make my big bro happy and make him proud of me.  Well, I'm officially calling off the search.  Maybe Pacman will surface someday!  Keep me in your prayers! This is a serious one!  


rachel said...

oh my... seriously... he will survive! He needs to be paying attention in elders quorum! Don't lose anymore sleep over this! Be glad that you throw things away... or your basement would look like ours, boxes and boxes. If we ever finish the basement we would have to get a storage unit for all his stuff!

Jake said...

"Officially" calling off the search...?
You better be kidding me. If you have faith, we will once again be reunited with an old friend.