Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sweet boy

So, this is Kyler's 2nd grade teacher Ms. Timothy. It is her very first year teaching and Kyler just loves her. I ask if he is being good and he says that he is. So to brag, he told me the other day she said, "Is Kyler the only one that knows all the answers?" Of course I'm sure he just likes to talk but that made me proud. Well, very sad news yesterday after Ky came home he told me that "teachers mom died" and he was sad. He got on the computer and wrote this note..."Dear miss timothy I'm sore that your mom dide I would like to give her some flowrse. From Kyler" This note is on my counter for him to give on Monday and if anyone sees me with wet eyes today they'll know why. He is a sweet boy! I love you Kyler!


Cissy said...

That is such a sweet story. One of the reasons I'm enjoying the blog thing is for recording those moments. I look forward to getting to know your family more through this (and playing together sometime, too).

Tuttles said...

Aw! Kyler is so sweet! I'm so glad you have a blog!

rachel said...

oh Jo! I am so proud of you, look at you and your blogging! We joke that our boys are wild and crazy, but they can be so sweet! I guess that is why we stay!

Becky said...

so sweet! I didn't see any tears but that is so sad about his teachers mom. Sorry I wasn't much help getting you started, lookes like your computer savy husband has done a good job. see you in an hour!