Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Father knows Best!

Jo:  "Layne can we please get a trampoline?"
Layne:  "No, I think they're dangerous!"
Jo:  "We had trampolines growing up, please?"
Layne:  "No, someone will break their arm."

Well, in an effort to prove her daddy right, little Paige broke her arm Monday afternoon on the trampoline.  (Of course it was at the neighbors since we don't "believe" in trampolines, right!)  Big brother Zach and friends were really trying to include Paige in their game and making her laugh.  I guess a ten year old really can smash a 3 year old girl.   They felt so bad but they were just trying to play with her, so this is just part of being a kid I guess.

  I found out I really am useless in an emergency though.  One look at her deformed arm and my brain no longer functioned.  I couldn't remember Layne's number or my dad's cell number, or what channel  cartoons are on (while my mom and dad rushed over.)  Thankfully my friend Edy  was calmed and helped me through it!  I did manage to give Paige 2 giant tablespoons of ib profen and my dad wondered why she was so sleepy (was that helping or hurting?)  I know every family has a broken bone story, but it is intense when it's your baby!  She did great and her bones will heal.  Our bodies really are miraculous!  She'll be as good as new soon.  She gets her cast on Friday and for the doctors sake, I hope they have a "pink, sparkly, princess one." 
Waiting in ER for her to be "put under" so they could straighten the bones.  She was sad they cut the sleeve off her shirt.

Thanks for the treat Warren!

Paige wondered if it was her birthday the following day since she recieved so many phone calls, cards, visits and gifts.  Thank-You!!!

I truly went to bed feeling blessed!  This could've been so much worse and I feel like she was protected.  All the little things along the way fell into place and reminded me how lucky I am;  my calm friend, my parents to the rescue, Layne working close by, the fact we have insurance, that it was only her arm, and that she was comfortable and quickly taken care of, the love shown to us!  Life is pretty good!


Mindy Hill said...

What a sweet girl, hope she is doing better. My little people are on their way over today to give a treat to our sweet princess friend.

Lorilee said...

Sorry little Paige. Hope you feel better soon and I really hope you get a pink cast too.

Becky said...

yeah! see, isn't blogging fun when it's easy? I hope they have princess casts too! Oh that cute little baby is gona milk this one Jo Jo. I love her, I will come visit her soon!

I am impressed with your attitude and finding this all a blessing. But true, it could have been worse and at least it was just her arm. B

Cissy said...

Now you just watch how fast she'll adjust and how many things she'll be able to do despite a cast. Our Dallin broke his wrist when he was 20months old and it slowed him down for maybe 1 day.