Thursday, January 29, 2009

Trained Professionals?

Layne and I are halfway through our CERT (community emergency response team) training course.  We did some pretty cool looking bandages last night as you can see.  I wonder if he has a head injury or is getting ready to do saturday cleaning?
We are learning some good things but the meetings are long and some people in our class really like to ask a thousand questions!!  I entertain myself by writing notes to them to "Shut IT!" and then spend the rest of the time daring myself to pass it to them (which I never have done, YET!)
Let's just hope this big earthquake still waits a few hundred years!!! If not, don't worry, you're all in good hands!!


Lorilee said...

Jo, I DARE you to actually pass one of the notes. They don't have to know where is came from. You would seal your fate as my hero for life!!!

Becky said...

i'm glad you're the one at the class and not me. way to go, I'm glad you will take care of me!

Unknown said...

Those bandages are fabulous. You should market them at Emergency Essentials. You'd make a fortune.

rachel said...

Is that first bandage on layne supposed to protect him from the sun? Or keep his curlers on? Anyway, wish I lived closer so you could take care of me in an emergency or at least make me a really cool looking aunt jamima bandage.

Tuttles said...

You guys look awesome! I need to move back to that neighborhood so you can save my life!

How Sweet it is! said...

It's good to know our hometeacher can come and save us when in an emergency!